What is Letters to Morrissey?

Letters to Morrissey is a place for fans to express their support of Morrissey during, as he put it recently, “these dystopian days“.

The open letter format came to mind after seeing a nasty open letter posted in the media. Article after article, statement after statement, by mediocre celebrities, thicker than pig shit, who officially sought to smear Morrissey so not to smear their lovely careers.

Letters to Morrissey is a place for fans to support Morrissey in his quest for free speech, and other causes he holds the torch for. It is a place where fans can express gratitude and love for all that he has given them. A place to celebrate Morrissey’s monumental career, genius artistry and ability to form a deep connection with us all.

Therefore, only supportive fans are welcome, as there are enough sewers for haters to spew hate. But how is this support defined?

Support can mean agreeing with all that Morrissey says.

Support can mean agreeing with some, but not all of what Morrissey says.

Support can mean agreeing with little of what Morrissey says, but you believe in his right to say it.

Most importantly, this is a place of free speech, for those with the guts to be gentle and kind.

You can add your submission here, or email: letterstomorrisseyblog@gmail.com

If you don’t wish to send an open letter, I am happy to share anything supportive you have blogged or written for the media. Also, if you are running an event that celebrates all things Morrissey, I am happy to promote it free of charge.

If you have a fan page or group, twitter account, or supportive website, please let me know so I can share with other fans.

But, will Morrissey see these letters?

And please note: This website has not been created by Morrissey or Morrissey’s management. It is not a fan mail service. It is a platform for fans, created by a fellow fan, filled up with the supportive letters and messages from other supportive fans – please add your voice too!

Photo credit: Stuart Kirk