A response to the confused and bitter: we are not sorry

What is tedious and absurd, is how rampant hate written about Morrissey, and negative click bait (which garners ad revenue!!) is totally socially acceptable and even applauded. The mainstream media does nothing but attention seek and money grab from slandering Morrissey.

But the opposite is seen as a joke!

How is a hateful “open letter” to Morrissey NOT attention seeking, when it contains a morbid desire to seek Morrissey’s attention, so to pass on the bitter message contained within?

And what about all the “ex-fans” making dramatic exits from the fandom, usually opening their social media posts, in groups, pages, and sites (containing tens of thousands of other Morrissey fans) directly addressing Morrissey, stating miserably why they must abandon him? For them to specifically address anything to Morrissey is to specifically seek Morrissey’s attention so to express their hate!

On the flip side, those who seek the truth, and support Morrissey’s pursuit of it, have hateful hoards pursue them with pitchforks so to burn them at the stake, whenever we openly express that support.

In this new millennia, the modern form of the stake is societal and social media slander, the flames being the wildfire with which the slander spreads. Anyone who thinks for themselves, and questions the popular and dictated opinions, become ostracised and outcast. Isn’t that an irony, considering the Smiths and Morrissey were initially the safe havens for the outcast?

Morrissey’s remaining loyal fan base are generally those to whom he gave strength, over decades of fandom, to overcome cognitive dissonance, question a prior poisonous reality, and make the changes we sensed we must.

This ability to overcome cognitive dissonance, that would see us needing to be strong enough to handle ostracism from community, friends, family, and society, has become like a muscle. Many fans have found the strength to, for example, leave suffocating religions, come out, stop consuming animal products, leave domestic violence – the list goes on.

This muscle enables us to see that Morrissey is shaking the current poisonous reality. We are clearly strong enough to hold on, and our fandom is therefore unshaken. Whether he ever knows of our letters or not is secondary, as the biggest victory of being his fan has been the liberation of our personal lives, and living a life of authenticity.

We have no need to apologise for supporting him. Especially as doing so would be to sell our souls to a poisonous delusion. We make no apologies for expressing our outright love and support for Morrissey, the author of the songs that have literally saved our lives.


Photo credit: Stuart Kirk