Open Letter to Morrissey from Jo Whitfield

Dearest Morrissey,

I still find it so difficult to find the right words to write to you, but here I am trying again.

I see the playground bullies have been at it again, and I’m sorry to see you hurt by their ignorance and stupidity.

But there are many like myself, who have found so much solace, inspiration, comfort and validation in your words, and see so much to admire.

I cannot describe to you what you are to me. Two years ago today I was lucky enough to be able to get on stage with you in Toronto and to hug you, to show you how dear you are to me, and to thank you for all your beautiful songs that have helped me through life. You were there in my teenage years, and are there as much so for me now in my fifties.

I feel so privileged to be alive at the same time as such a great artist, and to have the very special opportunity to be able to see him in person, and to express my appreciation.

Thank-you Morrissey. Love yourself as you should.

Jo Whitfield
Leeds, UK

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