An Open Letter to Morrissey on His Birthday

Dearest Morrissey,

Your arrival upon the face of the earth was accompanied by a magnificent destiny to change lives.

Not just the lives of your fans. Which goes without saying!

But also the saved lives of millions of animals who you have fought for and campaigned for and loved so deeply and tirelessly.

I love so much about you. But is this my favourite thing?

Your fight for the lives of voiceless animals truly represents the core of your values and the beauty of your soul. All else flows from this core.

So on your birthday I am eternally grateful that you exist within my universe, and encouraged me to let blossom those same values. Because you woke me up.

May your birthday be filled with love, and may you be surrounded by joy. And maybe several kittens, a few dogs, and a fluffy cow (well, that’s what I would wish for for me).

With all my love and best wishes,


Rebecca White

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