Open Letter to Morrissey from Victoria Noeli Müller

Oscillate Mozzly

What should I write to a poet?
Who would judge every word I say.
What should I write to the man,
who owns my Heart & prayers?
The one that barely smiles.
The one who only takes a word,
to strike right through my soul.

That’s you Moz, You mean everything to me. I feel more than identified with your lyrics. And they are the only thing that keeps me up in the mood sometimes. It is like you would hold me when I’m down, you are always there for me. I often feel like the boy with the thorn in his side, disappointed because of people, although I don’t expect much of them.

I am not so sure the world deserves us. Please keep lighting us all up with your precious harmony, I love you and  remember alma matters.

I will always be true to you.

– Victoria Noeli Müller from Argentina

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