Open Letter to Morrissey from Christopher Carmona

You saved a life.

“Ten minutes and you wouldn’t have made it” the doctor told 23-year-old me as I woke up from a deep sleep; I wanted a way out and I was unsuccessful. The months followed and no therapist could save me from the abyss that I was still in… but you did.

They say that you often find things when you need them the most and thank god that I found you. No words or form of action can manifest the gratitude that I have towards you. I saw you for the very first time in Austin, TX back in 2019. Being just 2 feet away from you will be a memory that I will cherish forever.

We as Mozzerians will never leave you out to dry, it’s us against this Knockabout World. The small minded will try their best to bring you down but we will always be there to catch you. No amount of hatred or ignorance will ever penetrate the love that we carry towards you. You saved my life, just as you’ve saved millions of others. There is no poetry or reasoning in modern life, which is why we turn to you.

You have always been there for us when all hope seemed lost, it’s time we return the favor to you.

Our dearest Morrissey, always remember…you’re okay by me.

– Christopher Carmona

Photo taken by me in Austin, Texas on 09/20/19

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