Message of support for Morrissey from Emilio Núñez

I still remember the day a cousin handed me down a cassette of Moz, I think it was 1989.

Immediately, as the voice came out of the loudspeaker, I got immersed in the world of Morrissey. Later on, I kept playing Viva Hate again and again, that was it for me. In that moment I knew I had found someone who can soothe me, who I can rely on without physically knowing him.

In that moment my soul felt identified, my thoughts were: he understands, he has been where I have been, the way I feel, not being understood, everything had come to make sense.

And so it has been until today. I keep track of every song and statement he makes, he has become my Valhalla. My safe place to turn to even now at 45.

I’ve learned through the years to be true to myself, that it is ok to fight for your beliefs.

After years of only dreaming of being in a Morrissey concert, finally in 2017 in Monterrey México, my dreams came to life.
I was with my wife and I couldnt hold back my tears as he was starting to sing. I’d made it after hours of listening to cd’s, cassettes, LP Etc. That day, that concert will last in my memories forever .

I have two morrissey tattoos. One on my arm with a really outstanding M, and one on my chest: my dearest love. In memory of my mom who is deceased because of cancer.

Morrissey is a part of my life, thanks to him and to the Smiths I understood that I am not alone, I am not a lonely outsider, that I am not strange in this world. That if I am down I will always find comfort in his art.
Sometimes when thinking ‘what’s the point in living if your are not understood’, he saves you from dark places where the mind can take you.

I will always be true to me and true to you

Viva morrissey
Emilio Núñez
Mérida, Mexico

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