Message of support for Morrissey from Rui Alves

I have been a Morrissey fan since 1990. Lost in the streets of Lisbon, throughout Moz’s career, I have written hundreds of letters and emails to radio stations because his music has always been on the radio very little. I also wrote for newspapers to defend his records.

Since last year, everything got worse until it reached the point where the last album was not having any airplay, nor was there any review of the new album written in Portuguese. I wrote again and went back to writing, no answer so far.

There is an attempt to silence Morrissey forever. We could say that it is Morrissey’s fault, but that would be too easy. Morrissey has been true to himself over the years, and this is an admirable attitude in the times that are running, but very difficult to accept for most people.

I feel a kind of revolt because I think Morrissey is really the last real pop star of our times and after him there will be none. He deserved to be recognized like that today and all those detractors should be eating out of Morrissey’s hand. I know that one day, at the gates of hell, they will.

I wear my shirt and go out to show that I am very proud to be a Morrissey fan.

– Rui Alves

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