Submit your contribution here

Please note: contributions must be your own, or the ability to seek permission from the original author must be provided.

Alternatively, you can send letters, messages, album/single reviews, pictures, videos, artwork to support Morrissey to:

What do you wish to tell Morrissey?

What songs saved your life, and why? And how?

He’s here with the torch… Which cause has Morrissey inspired you to leave the corner of your room to follow?

“Why do you come here, and why do you hang around?” What has kept you a fan all these years?

Do you have words of love and encouragement to share?

Or is there something else pressing that you want to say?

Please note, if you don’t wish to share a letter to Morrissey, I also welcome you to offer a contribution that truly represents you as a fan, your story, and why you continue to support Morrissey.

And of course, if you have an event, or have already written a blog or article that supports Morrissey, I will be excited to share and promote it. Simply send me the link.

Let’s counter the lies.

Please note, there is no money involved in this project so it can never be accused of being click bait.

I am simply passionate about truth, and giving Morrissey fans an opportunity to be represented authentically.

Finally, Letters to Morrissey aims to be inclusive of all fans. However, public slander of other fans is on par with hatefulness towards Morrissey. Therefore, I will not publish anything by fans who have publicly slandered other fans.

But, will Morrissey read these letters?