Interview With An Anonymous West Midland Fan

Just who exactly is a Morrissey fan?

An interview with an anonymous West Midland fan

Hello, I live in the West Midlands area of the UK, I am a Grandmother of 5 girls. I have 2 daughters and a son.

Why are you a loyal fan of Morrissey?

I was aware of Morrissey and The Smiths in the 80s and can remember seeing them a lot on Top of the Pops. My husband really liked The Smiths, but I was more into Soul and Motown at that time. I remember thinking The Smiths looked cool and unique compared to other 80s bands.

It was in the early 2000s when I really became a true Morrissey fan, through my son, who was only 16 at the time. At work, older workmates were playing Morrissey songs and singing along to them. He then had a girlfriend whose dad was a Smiths fan, and she gave him a cassette which he played over and over. It was at this time he was having mental health issues and was abusing alcohol. He hadn’t many true friends and was very shy, so I was trying to help him any way I could. Morrissey did a gig in Birmingham early 2000s about 2002. He hadn’t been around doing gigs for a while in the UK. It was a small gig, and my son went with my husband. They came back raving about him, and so I started listening to his songs a lot. So did my son and husband. We travelled to football away matches regularly, and our car was full of full blast Morrissey songs.

I really became a fan when he released the You are the Quarry album. I was blown away by his lyrics. My son was obsessed by this time, and Morrissey was touring a lot. We ended up going all over the UK – his first concert in Manchester on his birthday, plus Nottingham, Birmingham, Earls Court, The Move Festival at the cricket ground in Manchester. After that, we followed him everywhere in the UK – every time he toured from 2002 to the present day.

I became ill in 2006 with multisystem neurological illness and chronic pain. Morrissey’s music got me through painful nights awake through the night when everyone was sleeping. His lyrics are so inspiring and believable. He makes you laugh, he makes you cry, he makes you wonder at his genius to write such beautiful songs over and over again. I honestly feel he saved my son’s life. It gave him a focus, going to concerts, and gradually he got better. He is now married with a child of his own, but he still loves Morrissey so much.

What is it that resonates between you and him?

His beautiful lyrics make me laugh, and cry. They tell a story, so often. I love English literature and his songs are so poetic, telling a story that draws you in.

How has he inspired you?

He has inspired me to keep going when my pain is tough, I get lost with his words, I sing along when I’m doing housework when I’m able. I discuss him with my son, it’s given us both an incredible connection through our shared love of him

What is it about his songs that inspire you? Strengthen you? Entertain you?

We are all vegetarians, and Morrissey inspired us through his concert videos and his songs. Meat is Murder is a powerful song. His songs make us laugh so much, for example, You’re the One for Me Fatty. November Spawned a Monster educates you about the feelings of a disabled person. When he tried to educate by wearing a hearing aid, it inspired me as my daughter was born profoundly deaf.

What cause has he inspired you to pursue?

We are all followers of animal rights, members of Peta, and we are very aware of animal cruelty. Don’t think we would have been if it wasn’t for Mozza’s influence on us as a family.

Do you have a story about when you met him?

I haven’t met him but my son appears in the Who Put the M in Manchester DVD, trying to grab Mozzas hand. So we live to watch that particular clip for the song, nobody knows how I feel.

Do you have a story about how you discovered him?

Watching Top of the Pops, 1982.

Have you got any tattoos that are inspired by him?

My son has Morrissey written on his back/shoulders.

If you would also like to submit a fan interview, you can do so at this link:
Just Who Exactly Is a Morrissey Fan?

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