Fan Interview with Laura

Just who exactly is a Morrissey fan?

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A Fan interview with Laura


Twenty-nine, clumsy and shy. My name’s Laura and I live in Warrington, which Morrissey once said had nothing but George Formby’s bones.


Why are you a loyal fan of Morrissey?

As well as releasing fantastic music that so many of us can relate to, I like that Morrissey is always himself – there’s no fakeness there like with so many other artists.

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What is it that resonates between you and him?

I was also a small, fat child in a welfare house. In all seriousness, I’ve never identified with things people have said about depression, loneliness, self-hatred, love like I have with Morrissey’s lyrics – there’s no glamorisation and it’s all just so real.

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How has he inspired you?

Constantly under criticism from the press and retaliating with humour, continuing to push on, releasing material and playing gigs… it’s admirable! Morrissey has taught me to be myself and if people don’t like me then so be it.

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What is it about his songs that inspire you? Strengthen you? Entertain you?

It’s so easy to connect with them – especially in a day and age where the songs in the top ten make no sense, then there’s Morrissey covering actual goings on of the world. ‘There is a Light that Never Goes Out’ has always strengthened me as it makes me feel less alone – my favourite Morrissey song is ‘I’m Not Sorry’ and though I can’t pin-point why, it’s always spoken to me and I just think it’s a beautiful song (especially the ‘Who Put the M in Manchester’ version!)

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Do you have a story about how you discovered him?

I heard ‘The Boy with the Thorn in his Side’ on a TV programme when I was fifteen and asked my Uncle (he was responsible for getting me into good music when I was an adolescent) if he knew anything about it – he gave me a copy of ‘The Queen is Dead’ and the rest is history.

If you would also like to submit a fan interview, you can do so at this link:
Just Who Exactly Is a Morrissey Fan?


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