Fan Interview With Ryan

Just who exactly is a Morrissey fan?

Ryan Oxley Morrissey Corrie - Ryan Oxley.jpg

A Fan interview with Ryan

Hello, I’m Ryan, aged 38, I live in Sheffield, England, UK (about 25 miles from Manchester) I live, hand in glove, with my wife and 3-year-old daughter.

@rybazoxo on twitter

Why are you a loyal fan of Morrissey?

Back in the 1990s when Saturday morning TV was an event and music channels contained music, I saw the Morrissey video for ‘ Everyday is Like Sunday’ and was immediately in awe. The sounds infiltrated my subconscious and soul and I’ve not been the same since! I’ve been listening to his music now for about 20 years straight and my faith in Moz is still devout.

What is it that resonates between you and him?

It was a few years after having heard ‘Everyday is like Sunday’ and, as every introverted teenager should be, I was then introduced to a band called The Smiths. At first, I didn’t connect the dots but then realised I was listening to That voice again, that same singer who’d interrupted my soul a few years earlier. Like a lot of Morrissey fans, I recognise his indifference, he’s the rank outsider, he goes against the grain, never courts controversy or popularity actually, he just says what he thinks and feels. In a world full of Ed Sheeran’s, be a Morrissey! He has introduced me to a wealth of culture too, including; Oscar Wilde, Sheelagh Delaney, James Baldwin, and even the New York Dolls. He’s the gift that keeps on giving!

How has he inspired you?

What I adore about Morrissey (now more than ever) is the fact he speaks his mind and doesn’t pull punches. The world has always been full of ‘crashing bores’ and ‘belligerent fools’, Morrissey’s witticism is unique and I adore the microcosm of his lyrics, style, and incredible back-catalogue. On a personal level, I think I have a certain demeanour that a lot of us Morrissey fans carry. If I meet a fellow Morrissey fan I’m instantly smitten. On a personal level, I’ve just about removed the meat from my diet and my quiff is growing nicely!

What is it about his songs that inspire you? Strengthen you? Entertain you?

This is another thing I adore about Morrissey. A popular misconception is that his music is miserable, the moniker ‘pope of mope’ springs to mind. It could be true in part if it wasn’t for the fact that his songs (to a certain type of person) are incredibly uplifting. ‘Now my heart is full’ is pure joy, as is ‘Everyday is like Sunday’ if you understand irony, that is. A firm favourite for me is The Smiths – Please, Please, Please’.. a song that spurs me on, ‘Back to the old house’ is whimsical nostalgia for the more morose moments, and ‘This Charming Man’ is a song that makes me smile, whenever, and no matter many times I’ve heard it. I could write pages about his solo material but we can leave that for my book!

What cause has he inspired you to pursue?

I find his music very inspiring, very real, and very honest. I think discovering his music, in 1997 when I was 16 (clumsy, but not shy) was a defining moment for me in life. Music that spoke to me directly (rather than the churned out charts that said nothing to me about my life), that I could relate to in solitary moments, music for the subconscious to devour if you know what I mean. I guess being a Morrissey fan, you wear that badge with pride and will always defend his honour. Those songs become very special and soundtrack the eons and minutiae moments in your life.

Do you have a story about when you met him?

I’ve never had the pleasure, I imagine I would faint /cry/panic attack {delete as appropriate} or probably all three. I’ve done stage front a few times at gigs and been within spitting distance of the handsome devil, but that’s about it.

Do you have a story about how you discovered him?

This is a good one. It was about 1996/1997 and my older cousin was sorting through some old cassette tapes and gave me a pile of them. An orange cassette had the worlds ‘louder than bombs’ written on it. I had no inkling of who or what this tape contained. I knew of The Smiths, yet had never heard them. I played that cassette daily for about 6 months straight.

Have you got any tattoos that are inspired by him?

Not yet, but I’d hope to in future

Anything else you would like to add?

In my spare time, I write episode reviews for a fan-based/fan=written blog for UK TV show Coronation Street. If you’re a fan of the show (like Morrissey) then you can follow on twitter @CoroStreetBlog I also play piano & guitar, read a lot of books, and have aspirations on writing short stories, maybe even a novel.

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Just Who Exactly Is a Morrissey Fan?

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