Fan Interview With Bangkok Seven

Just who exactly is a Morrissey fan?

A Fan interview with Bangkok Seven

Why are you a loyal fan of Morrissey?

He’s the best songwriter of our time.

What is it that resonates between you and him?

Between me and him? We’re not acquainted. But I identify with the themes in his songs.

How has he inspired you?

From an anguished teen to a disaffected adult, he has sung my life.

What is it about his songs that inspire you? Strengthen you? Entertain you?

He sings about broad subjects that afflict the whole world, and deeply personal problems in the prison of one’s lonely soul. And many of his songs are hilarious. Life is a tragicomedy, and Moz understands this.

What cause has he inspired you to pursue?

I’m not one for causes, but I don’t begrudge Moz for his.

Do you have a story about when you met him?

It was on the Jimmy Kimmel show, between songs. I was in the front row and thrust my hand at him. He shook it and pierced my soul with his blue eyes.

Do you have a story about how you discovered him?

I heard “How Soon is Now?” on the world-famous KROQ in Los Angeles. The same day I bought Meat is Murder, Hatful of Hollow, and The Smiths, and listened to them back to back for a year.

Have you got any tattoos that are inspired by him?

No tattoos at all.

If you would also like to submit a fan interview, you can do so at this link:
Just Who Exactly Is a Morrissey Fan?

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