Fan Interview With Angie

Just who exactly is a Morrissey fan? 

Angie-Rank HD - Ms Adidas Angie 1972

A Fan interview with Angie Cooke, 47,
born in Huddersfield and based in Manchester

Why are you a loyal fan of Morrissey?

I may not always agree with his point of view, but I hugely admire the fact that he has never compromised for the sake of selling records or fitting in. Morrissey has always been his own man which I absolutely adore him for!

What is it that resonates between you and him?

His parents emigrated from the Republic of Ireland to the North of England to find work and start a family, as did mine but from Grenada in the West Indies. Our folks would have been greeted with the sign “No Irish, No Blacks, No Dogs” everywhere, how perfectly charming!

How has he inspired you?

I’ve always been a bit of an oddball, loner, geek, weirdo and the like, and Morrissey being the same has meant that I’ve never wanted to be part of the norm. We’re really NOT like anybody else! Morrissey’s lyrics and outlook have always stood worlds apart from others in the world of music, and they speak to me like nobody else’s ever possibly could

What is it about his songs that inspire you? Strengthen you? Entertain you?

Everyday Is Like Sunday is the song that changed my life forevermore, as it rescued me just as I was leaving my wretched High School and resonated with how I was feeling at the time about stepping out into the big, bad world

What cause has he inspired you to pursue?

I was vegetarian for many years after first hearing Meat Is Murder, then lapsed (sorry!), and I am now a vegan. I also write here and there which is wholly thanks to Mozzer. I stick to what I believe in, even if it’s not always popular because it’s so important to be true to yourself I think

Do you have a story about when you met him?

Yes, I met Morrissey at a record store signing in Manchester in 1994. It was one of the best days of my life, as he recognised me and knew I was from Huddersfield! Well worth queuing for 8 hours! 🙂

Do you have a story about how you discovered him?

I wasn’t a fan of The Smiths at all when they existed during my time at school, but when Everyday Is Like Sunday came storming into my life at EXACTLY the right time it led me to checking out Morrissey’s work with his former band which was life-changing! Buying Rank and hearing it for the first time as a 16-year-old child in Nineteen Eighty Hate totally blew my tiny little mind!

Have you got any tattoos that are inspired by him?

Tattoo 03 - Ms Adidas Angie 1972

Yes, I have “Oh Manchester, so much to answer for” tattooed on my left forearm which I got in tribute to both my favourite city in the world and the victims of the Moors Murders RIP

Anything else you would like to add?

My blog is, dedicated to all things The Smiths and Moz (including a review on his recent show at Leeds in the UK). Being a fan of The Smiths and Mozzer has led me to do many things I wouldn’t otherwise have even dreamed of, how I love them so! 🙂

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Just Who Exactly Is a Morrissey Fan?

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